Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Last few things i needed to do while im still in India

1. finish my cross stich!! It has been 4 freaking years and its still in the making..

2. complete the website design that Ate Jenneth has been bugging me to do

3. learn to cook some Indian foods (apparently, I have only learned how to make chai which is a great achievement so far teee heee)

4. Travel to Kerala to see a Pushpa, a nun whom I met in the Phils when I was a hardheaded Gen in the Focolare..

5. Backpack trips in Sikkim and to Taj Mahal... ang cheap naman kasi ng pamasahe... 7 rupee (7 pesos) for a one and a half hour bus ride! san ka pa??

6. Go to Nepal.... Ate Bebing says I can stay in her house for free!!

I'm so happy, friends are such blessings ^_^.. in return of course im gonna wash the dishes hehe

7. Find a boyfriend... errr... I let destiny draft the future.... ^_^

Things to do when I get back home

1. Visit my dad... and finally display the flower cross stich that i have been creating since year 2005... a few days after he died..

2. visit my Ate jenneth... so I can visit Bohol island and stay in her house for free! ^_^

3. Do backpack trip to Sagada... i'll save my other backpack trips when friends come over...

4. clean our house! im sure this task is always overdue.... but but but... there is no reason to delay this task anymore. Lagot ang walis tambo pag dating ko!

5. Ive been planning to sell Indian arts... I dont have the selling pitch but im sure my friends have.... ^_^

6. My heart has been longing to teach... to again share to our future filipino generation the knowledge and wisdom that i have accumulated thru time...

7. of course, back to office... *yawn.

But everything is in God's will... now I hope for the best while I live the present moment very well...

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