Sunday, December 27, 2009

Itchy Feet!


I will have to do with the day dreaming at the moment coz there are lots to do in the present moment that needs my attention (work, house chores, etc)

but but i feel empty like part of my routine has become missing. Oh sad life! Argh!!

And since some friends will be going to Oxford, London for some bonding time in February, ill be sitting my ass off in the 21st floor. Argh again! Why was I born in this part of the world??

Hrrmmmhh no need to be bitter i must say to myself.

Because maybe i was born in this part of the world because I can survive being in this part of the world.. Because i know how to kill a cockroach!

Hrmmmhhh I must need to speak to Father Georg again to trim this horns off my head.

Hope the holiday spirit must tell me the lesson that I should be thankful because I'm still alive and that many people are not fortunate enough to even have a decent place to stay and eat..

And that the Philippines is beautiful and despite blood and gore in Mindanao, and a couple of natural disasters, this country is a heaven to many. I must stay put and do something good here for a while.